Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Purcell Toys

This will be Christopher Purcell's third year as a vendor at Craftacular. While most of Christopher's work is handcrafted wooden toys, especially vehicles, Christopher knows that anything can be thought of as a toy. Life is play. So his work includes more than traditional children's toys. The hallmark of Christopher's work is the incredibly smooth and refined finished product.

Christopher says "My love of materials shapes my commitment to the careful use of resources. Scraps from other woodworkers, broken furniture, and tree limbs provide the bulk of my woods."

A favorite in his product line is the toy vehicle kit: everything you need to make your own wooden vehicle. This year, for the first time, a special 4-pack (pictured below).

To see more of the selection that will be available this Saturday, December 13, 9 am - 6 pm at CitySpace, visit the Purcell Toys Etsy shop.

4-pack toy kit set: race car, flatbed truck, bus, and delivery truck 
(pictured on right is what the kits look like after assembled)

Buy the special gift bag with all 8 train cars which look like this after assembled!

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