Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Chainmail copper cuff by Chad VanPelt up for grabs today!

Chainmail by Chad VanPelt is a modern take on a very old art form. Chad takes the Renaissance knight-in-armor look to a new level with his woven metal jewelry.

A talented painter as well as designer, and known for his handmade chainmail jewelry and accessories, Chad's metallic medium creates unique, eye-catching designs. This copper cuff could be yours today!

Custom made for the giveaway, this cuff is a mixed weave European 4-in-1 and 6-in-1 copper cuff with a handmade hook clasp. Valued at $35 and sized for a 7" wrist, this gorgeous piece could be yours free--and Chad will happily customize its size for the winner. Click here to enter, and good luck!

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