Friday, November 16, 2012

The Holiday Craft Show Formerly Held at OpenSpace

Fun fact: we've had a few conniptions about the location of our Cville Holiday Craftacular.

Why, you may ask, would such stereotypically rational and even-keel folk as artists get upset about a little thing like location?

Because when we first moved to CitySpace, our customers couldn't find us!

Cville Spaces for Craft Lovers

2012 is the seventh year we've hosted Cville Holiday Craftacular (time flies!), but only recently did we establish out home at CitySpace on the Downtown Mall.

Before that, we showcased our holiday wares at OpenSpace, a collaborative workspace near the Downtown Mall.

In other words:

This is where we used to be. Please don't come here.
Well, come here, but not for Holiday Craftacular.

The site of our 2012 Holiday Craftacular.
We want you to come here. Click for a map.


No wonder people got confused. Cue panic music!

Holiday in the City(Space)

What's past is past, but we've had a few inquires that we hoped to elucidate here. If you want to come to our Holiday Craftacular (and you should!), please come to CitySpace on the Downtown Mall. It's on the second floor of the building next to the Post Office. Click here for a map, or better yet just RSVP on our Facebook event page

We look forward to seeing you! Sans holiday madness.

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